XPERT Ura-seal
XPERT Uraseal
High Performance 1 Part Polyurethane Sealant
XPERT URASEAL is formulated for sealing joints where high performance is required. Suitable for expansion and construction joints in concrete both in situ and pre cast, for sealing window and door perimeters and marble, granite and GRC facades. XPERT URASEAL is suitable for use in potable water.
• Excellent weathering properties
• Will tolerate 50% total joint movement
• Paintable
• Highly durable
• High acoustic performance
• Non staining
For sealing joints where high performance is required. Suitable for expansion and construction joints in concrete both in situ and pre cast, for sealing window and door perimeters and marble, granite and GRC facades.
Density Approx. 2 kg/liter
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XPERT Uraseal