XPERT Super Plast 550
Concrete Admixture
XPERT Super Plast 550
Normal and High Range Water Reducer
XPERT SP 550 is a new generation super plasticizer based on naphthalene sulphonate based technology. This product is designed to provide normal to high water reduction, while providing excellent flow ability during placement, and excellent slump retention without affecting initial setting time. This product incorporates the latest state of the art technology in high performance concrete. XPERT SP 550 was designed to provide extended slump retention for super high-strength concrete, flow able and self-consolidating concrete in a variety of applications.
• Provides a linear dose response to provide desired water reductions. It is recommended for ready-mix for both structural and architectural applications.
• Provides a linear response to allow high levels of water reduction as well as maintaining the level of workability for longer periods of time versus conventional superplasticizers.
• Concrete mixes produced can exhibit a cohesive and non-segregating concrete.
• Can reduce the overall production cost, especially when used with XPERT’s self-consolidating concrete technology.
• More efficient pumping of concrete with pump pressures reduced as much as 50%.
• Reduced discharge and turn-around time for trucks.
• Improves impermeability to reduce sulfate attack.
• Increased productivity, resulting in reduced labor costs.
• Faster reuse of forms.
• Increased strengths at all ages.
XPERT SP 550 is recommended for use in all types of concrete including plain, reinforced, flow able and self-consolidating concrete. XPERT SP 875 is very effective in concrete containing pozzolanic and materials such as fly ash, silica fume and slag.
Dosage rates vary depending upon the amount of plasticity and/or water reduction desired. Recommended dosage range for XPERT SP 550 is 33.8 to 52.8 ounces per 220.5 pounds (1000 mls to 1500 mls per 100 Kg) of cementitious material to meet ASTM Type A, F&G. XPERT SP 550 has a linear-dosage response so the dosage amount can be precisely tailored to the degree of water reduction or slump characteristics required for the application. For very high strength applications, the dosage can be increased up to 67 ounces per 220.5 pounds (2000 mls per 100 Kg) of cementitious material. Because of the variability increments, field conditions, and other ingredients in the mix, it is highly recommended that trial mixes be prepared to determine the optimum dosage for your specific performance requirements.
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XPERT Super Plast 550