XPERT Bitumen Emulsion
XPERT Bitumen Emulsion
Asphalt Emulsion Damp & Water Proofing
XPERT BITUMEN EMULSION is a cold applied, high quality asphalt emulsion containing bentonite clay that forms a damp proof barrier on concrete or masonry walls. This breath able film protects against capillary moisture migration while not limiting vapor transmission.
• Above or below grade, interior or exterior.
• Formed and poured or tilt wall concrete, concrete block, and masonry or stone surfaces.
• Footings, foundations, retaining walls and fire walls.
• Culverts, bridge abutments, copings, parapets.
• Excellent bond strength to a variety of substrates and surface textures.
• May be applied to damp surfaces or green concrete.
• Minimizes vapor transmission and dampness through below grade walls.
• Unaffected by soil alkalinity or acidity, organic matter or minerals.
• Excellent durability will not peel, blister, sag or re-emulsify.
• Easily applied with brush, roller or spray equipment.
75-100 Ft2 per U.S. gallon per coat.
1.8-2.5 M2 per liter per coat.
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XPERT Bitumen Emulsion